Build a Successful Major Donor Fundraising Program

By November 9, 2013Fundraising

iStock_000007489713XSmallCelebrate the New Year by resolving to build a successful major donor fundraising program. Focusing on your largest givers is the quickest way for any nonprofit to bring in more funds and create a stable revenue stream. The right fundraising software can help you at every stage in the process.

The Pareto Principle holds true for fundraising. The top 20% of your donors will provide about 80% of your total income. An integrated donor management system allows you to pull together data from multiple sources in order to identify and serve these valuable constituents. You will be able to analyze giving patterns in terms of amount and frequency, and whether people are interested in general support or specific programs like scholarships or a new building. You may even find potential donors in unexpected places such as your volunteers or event attendees. Once you identify them, you can also use your system to track contact history and develop reliable data for designing renewal and upgrading strategies.

Detailed reports give you a clearer picture of your potential and performance. You’ll see if your major donor base is growing or declining. You’ll also be able to map out a gift pyramid showing you how many donors you need at each giving level to meet your objectives.

Of course, major donor fundraising is time and labor intensive. Technology allows you to target your resources for where they will have the most impact. It helps you to be more responsive to your donor’s individuals needs and communicate with them regularly and effectively. Most of all you’ll become a good steward of the contributions you receive. You’ll avoid missed opportunities by connecting with people who are dedicated to your cause and using the appropriate cultivation and solicitation strategies.

Contact us to learn more about effective nonprofit software solutions. We can help you build the financial and administrative infrastructure you need to enable you to advance your mission.