

The “Round Robin” Technique Breaks the Ice – Every Time

By | Abila, Accounting, CPA, MIP Fund Accounting, Nonprofit | No Comments

We’ve all been in that certain meeting…the one where deafening silence reigns.

“Any questions?” the chairperson asks brightly only to be met be deafening silence.

No matter how long you’ve been leading meetings, chairing committees, or heading up boards, there comes a time when even the most energetic and influential meeting leaders fails to elicit a response. It’s no reflection on your or on your leadership skills. It may simply be that the participants do not have anything to add or someone is too shy to speak up. Your job as the meeting leader is to break the ice and ensure that everyone who wishes to do so has the opportunity to speak.

Why Don’t People Speak Up?

You pride yourself on being an open, responsive, collaborative leader. Yet time after time, you put forward a motion, solicit feedback, and are meat with a deafening silence. You can practically hear crickets chirping two miles away in the silence of the meeting room.

People are often reluctant to speak up when faced with a controversial issue. Sometimes, people feel unprepared to add to the discussion. They may also defer to authority, feeling that if the meeting leaders suggest something it is the right course of action to take.

To help people feel more comfortable during meetings and speak up, you can:

* Circulate the meeting agenda ahead of time so that everyone can prepare their thoughts before an issue is on the table for discussion or vote;

* Delay your own response as the meeting leader until you hear from others at the table. This avoids the ‘nodding head’ syndrome or people agreeing with you just because you’re leading the meeting. Let others speak first and voice their thoughts.

* Ask people to form small groups of three and discuss the issue in small groups first.

* Suggest that participants write questions on slips of paper, which are then passed to someone designated to read them aloud for discussion.

Each of these methods offers a way to encourage and facilitate dialogue rather than to accept silence as the norm. If all else fails, and none of these suggestions work or feel right for your meeting, try the Round Robin technique.

The Round Robin Technique

This technique is simple, and guarantees that people participate. It is called the ‘round robin’ technique and like the name suggests, moves the conversation around the table to ensure that everyone has a voice in the discussion.

To utilize this technique, bring forward the salient points that are under discussion. Pose the question, but do not answer it yourself if you are leading the meeting. You will speak last to encourage others to share their thoughts.

Turn to the person to your left and ask them to share their thoughts. Then, when that person is finished speaking, ask the next person in turn at the table to go, and continue until everyone has had a chance to speak. When the group has had a chance to speak, the meeting leader can speak, going last.

If someone really doesn’t want to speak, they can say “Pass” and pass their turn. At the end, go back to anyone who has said “pass” and invite them once more to say a few words. They can either decline or speak. Some people may need a few minutes to gather their thoughts, and will have plenty to say when their turn comes around again.

Adding a Stopwatch and Timed Feedback

The Round Robin technique ensures that everyone can be heard and that everyone has a say on a controversial issue. If you can, bring a stopwatch into the meeting and offer each person exactly 30 seconds (or less) to speak. Give them a ‘warning sign’ of a wave or another signal to let them know their 30 seconds is up. Adding a stopwatch and timed feedback ensures fairness for all and is especially useful in meetings where one or two people tend to dominate the discussion. For more information about the Round Robin technique, visit our friends at Jacobson & Jarvis PLC.

It can be challenging to get people to speak up during a meeting. Techniques such as Round Robin and Round Robin with stopwatch are excellent ways to make sure that all voices are heard at your next board meeting.

Welter Consulting

Welter Consulting bridges people and technology together for effective solutions for nonprofit organizations. We offer software and services that can help you with your accounting needs. Please contact Welter Consulting at 206-605-3113 for more information.

Switching from On-Premise to Cloud Solutions: The Experts Weigh In

By | Abila, Accounting, Data, HR, MIP Fund Accounting, Nonprofit | No Comments

By now you’ve probably read quite a bit about the benefits of switching from on-premises to cloud-based solutions. Forrester research reports that 50% of companies plan to increase their cloud spending in the next 12 months. About 92% have prioritized cloud computing as a new initiative in the next 18 months. Cloud computing isn’t the concept of the future; the future is here, and most companies will run at least one or more cloud-based software programs within the next year

As you consider switching all your software to the cloud, you may have questions. What do you need to know to make the transition? What benefits will your organization obtain from the switch? Is the cloud a better solution?

Five Big Benefits of Cloud-Based Systems

Consider the following  five benefits of cloud-based systems and how they may impact your organization.

  1. Obtain a clear picture of financial information: Quickly view the entire financial picture for your nonprofit organization. Cash flow, membership dues, sales from products, event/conference income, and much more can be reviewed easily and quickly. Information from multiple departments feeds into one system to provide a comprehensive big-picture view of the financials for your organization.
  2. Decreased reliance on spreadsheets: Many nonprofits still use spreadsheet-based accounting. Spreadsheets offer a simple method for running basic accounting information but lack the sophistication of combining information into one easily accessible location. Spreadsheets tend to be finicky, with formulas and formatting that can be tricky to use. And one small data entry error on a spreadsheet can lead to multiple problems later. Cloud computing reduces these chances. Reports can be run directly from cloud-based systems without fussing about formatting.
  3. Enhanced visibility: Cloud-based systems enhance and increase visibility of data across all parts of the organization. Everyone shares their information in a cloud-based system, with access available to all departments and team members.
  4. One data source: On-premises software can lead to multiple versions of the same document. Chasing after the latest version and reconciling changes can take a great deal of time. Cloud systems always provide the latest reports and information.
  5. Integrate office processes: Cloud systems integrate front and back-office operations into one system. You’ll no longer need to maintain separate systems for both.

On-premises solutions have many drawbacks. Not only do they lack integration and visibility, but they need updates. Updates must be performed individually on each piece of equipment. Cloud solutions update automatically so that the latest version is always running.

The Main Difference Between On-Premise and Cloud Solutions: ROI

Lastly, the biggest difference between cloud-based and on-premise solutions is the ROI.  With cloud solutions, efficiency increases immediately after adopting the cloud. The system gains in value with a positive ROI as it saves time and money elsewhere in the organization.

Not so with on-premise systems. Such systems begin losing ROI from the moment they’re installed. With constant updates and upgrades, purchases of special hardware and equipment to run them, and salaries for people to maintain them, these systems increase in cost and decrease in ROI.

Clearly, the winner is the cloud. With so many organizations adopting cloud-based solutions and more nonprofit software offered via the cloud, it’s time to make the leap to the cloud.

Welter Consulting

Welter Consulting bridges people and technology together for effective solutions for nonprofit organizations. We offer software and services that can help you improve and grow your accounting practice. Please contact Welter Consulting at 206-605-3113 for more information.

Improve Communications with the Right Accounting Software

By | Abila, Accounting, Fundraising, MIP Fund Accounting | No Comments

The right accounting software for your practice can help you improve communications among teams. Although it sometimes feels as if fundraising and accounting departments at nonprofit organizations are on opposite sides of the fence, software can be your bridge to connect them both so that they’re on equal footing. When both find they are getting what they need, relations between the two groups improve and productivity soars.

What Causes Miscommunications?

In every relationship, there’s a chance of miscommunications. But between finance and fundraising there tends to be many miscommunications. Some of this stems from not understand what each party does in the organization at large. There are some things that each group would like you to know about their work.

Fundraising wishes that finance could…

* Respect how challenging fundraising can be.

* Understand that to make money for the organization, you must spend money.

* Trust the process of donor relationships to come to fruition and provide funds for the organization

* Be more flexible with deadlines, requirements, and requests.

* Appreciate the effort that goes into fundraising.

And finance wishes that the fundraising team could…

* Respect that their job is complex and demanding, often dictated by legal requirements that have no flexibility.

* Seek their expertise and help in accounting and finance matters.

* Provide information proactively so that finance can do its job easily.

* Learn basic accounting practices so that we “speak the same language.”

* Respect and adhere to deadlines.

It’s easier to come to consensus when mutual respect underscores the relationship. Knowing what the other party needs, why they need it, and how your actions impact their work can go a long way towards creating mutual respect and clear communications.

Similar Challenges Face Fundraising and Finance

Although the fundraising and finance teams each perform different functions in an organization, they face similar challenges. Data helps both do their jobs better and provides a mutual starting point for much of their work.

With the right data, each team can work more effectively. Finance no longer has to chase down information from fundraising, and fundraising can access information without pestering finance. The two can also collaborate on many projects using shared data sources.

Yet both seem to experience similar challenges when it comes to data and information. Ways in which both departments can help each other overcome their shared challenges include:

* Collaborate on budgets and tracking.

* Improve reports and reconciliation of financial information.

* Jointly plan and set goals.

* Establish frequent, timely communications.

* Identify ideal processes and procedures.

* Integrate fundraising and accounting software.

Resolving the Challenges

The right software can help you resolve such challenges. Cloud-based systems make sharing data easier. Software such as MIP Fund Accounting and software for fundraising, grand management and other tasks provide a good starting point.

Fundraising and finance may often feel like competing teams, but they should be both rooting for the home team, or working towards their company’s overall goals. By understanding one another’s work, sharing data, and experiencing the benefits of shared data and systems, the two teams can work more effectively and help your nonprofit achieve its mission.

Welter Consulting

Welter Consulting bridges people and technology together for effective solutions for nonprofit organizations. We offer software and services that can help you improve and grow your accounting practice. Please contact Welter Consulting at 206-605-3113 for more information.

How to Prove Abila MIP Fund Accounting is “Budget Worthy”

By | Abila, Accounting, MIP Fund Accounting, Nonprofit | No Comments

How to Prove Abila MIP Fund Accounting is “Budget Worthy”

Would you love to implement MIP Fund Accounting for your agency but you are concerned with getting a buy-in from executive leadership, your IT department and the board? These tips from The Center for Association Leadership can help you pitch and sell your nonprofit tech budget with minimal pain.

MIP Fund Accounting tends to be easier to advocate for than other types of software due to its’ efficiency and productivity. Of course, you’ll have to explain the needs to your board and others for funding, but let Abila and Welter Consulting help make the case to purchase MIP fund accounting by taking these two easy steps.

Step 1: Link It to Member Needs

The better you can build a case linking your technology purchase to member needs, the more likely you are to get the green light and the budget. The directors and supervisors at your organization are tasked with keeping members’ needs in mind at all times. That includes clients and constituents, or the people you serve. When you build a case linking technology budgets to solving problems for members and constituents, the directors will be more likely to approve it.

MIP Fund Accounting provides your organization with greater transparency and better accuracy when tracking expenses. Detailed reporting on every aspect of your organization’s finances will fulfill your members’ needs for accurate, timely information on how their funds are being managed and used to fulfill the organization’s mission.

Step 2: Set Mission-Critical Metrics

From the start of your tech budget request, communicate the specific metrics by which you will measure success. Specific metrics provide an objective benchmark by which to assess how well the new purchase has helped you achieve your goals. Whether it’s reducing costs by 5 percent or maximizing investments, you can show how your MIP fund accounting purchase will help achieve specific goals.

Presenting Your Case

Presenting your case for new technology purchases to members, the board of directors, or C-level executives can be challenging. Each stakeholder has different information needs; everyone looks at the ideas and information through the lens of their own self-interest. Executives want to be sure the purchase will help the organization grow. The board may wish to limit costs. Fellow members and coworkers may simply want to know what this new technology purchase will do for them.

To present your case, gather all your background data and facts and distill them into the simplest ideas possible. Don’t overwhelm your ideas with tons of facts, but present the most important items first, then build a supporting case. People’s attention spans are short, and you’ve only got seconds to get them on board.

Practicing your pitch beforehand often helps. If you’re on a team evaluating the purchase together, then ask team members to listen to your pitch and offer suggestions. The right MIP fund accounting software can make accounting tasks easier. It can also make your organization’s funds transparent and easy to understand for all. By approaching the request for funds in a logical fashion and using these steps, you stand a better chance of successfully acquiring the budget for your purchase.

Abila MIP Fund Accounting from Welter Consulting Welter Consulting offers Abila MIP Fund Accounting software to help nonprofits manage their accounting needs. Abila MIP Fund Accounting enables you to report and track the most important information for your board, your supervisors, and others eager to see how your nonprofit’s resources are being used. MIP fund accounting software is perfect for many nonprofits. At Welter Consulting we are committed to finding you the most affordable technology, the most powerful solution, and providing expert support. We are dedicated to assist you in achieving your mission by leveraging technology and superior reporting. We are passionate professionals who choose to work in the nonprofit sector for the same reason you do – helping others. Please give us a call at (206) 605-3113 or by visiting our website at to see a complete listing of upcoming training and webinars, including the free NonProfit Enrichment Series, hosted by Welter Consulting, LLC or by clicking on the following link: NonProfit Enrichment Series Webinars.