How dependent is your office on physical paper? Do you have file cabinets crammed into every hallway and corner, or have you tamed the paper tiger and transformed your office into a streamlined and efficient digitally based accounting office?
The pandemic forced many organizations to consider going paperless as more employees had to work from home. However, not everyone continued the transition to paperless. Many organizations continue using basic software such as spreadsheets to manage their accounting. They print invoices and bills, file bank statements and credit card statements, and keep customer files in file cabinets.
This isn’t necessarily bad, but it is inefficient. Today’s digital transformation affects nonprofits just as it does for profits, offering time-saving software and technology to better manage accounting, finance, and overall paperwork. Let’s get your paperwork under control and talk about some of the new and better ways to manage these tasks.
Nonprofit Accounting Software
Specialized nonprofit accounting software can help you move from an inefficient paper-based or spreadsheet-based accounting to a nearly paperless office.
Nonprofit accounting software was built specifically for nonprofit organizations. It includes basics such as a general ledger, accounts payable, and accounts receivable, and organizes the information logically for nonprofits. Additional nonprofit accounting software offers grant management functions, tracking expenses and revenues by program area, and more. Donor management software can be used alongside nonprofit accounting software to manage outreach campaigns and provide a coordinated central repository for all information.
Using nonprofit accounting software instead of spreadsheets helps control excess paper in your office in several ways. Nearly all the basic accounting functions you need to track, from invoices to credit card and banking information, are all tracked electronically, eliminating the need to print and store everything. Additionally, you can run reports more easily from a dedicated nonprofit accounting program than from spreadsheets. You can create and share PDFs of your balance statement, income statement, cash flow, and more.
During audits, if you currently need the auditors onsite or must print reams of paper and carry it to their office, you’ll find it much easier with accounting software. With nonprofit accounting software, you can provide auditors with usernames and passwords, allowing the auditors to select and review any information electronically. And, if you’ve chosen to use a cloud-based accounting platform, the auditors can access the system remotely. They may not have to spend several days onsite if they can review information electronically.
By moving your accounting to a completely digital system, you’ll save paper (and trees!). You’ll also reduce the number of mistakes in your accounting. Unlike a spreadsheet, which may require you to type information into multiple worksheets, with an accounting program, you just enter it once into the system. Accounting software offers many timesaving features and improves efficiency in any organization.
Differences Between Nonprofit Accounting Software and Small Business Software
Many nonprofits consider specialized accounting software but opt instead for off the shelf small business software. Such software may be appealing. It may have a lower price tag and easier onboarding than a robust nonprofit accounting platform.
However, small business software is not designed for the specific needs of a nonprofit. It does not track revenues and expenses by program. It cannot manage grants easily. And it does not integrate with donation software. What you save in upfront and other licensing costs, you may end up spending on custom programing to get small business software to produce the right reports or track line items correctly to the general ledger.
Speak with Nonprofit Accounting Software Experts
If it’s time to make the switch and tame the paper tiger, speak with the nonprofit accounting and software consultants at Welter Consulting today. We’re experienced at working in the nonprofit world and understand the challenges you face managing your accounting. We can suggest the right accounting platform and other software to streamline your office and tame that paper tiger.
Welter Consulting
Welter Consulting bridges people and technology together for effective solutions for nonprofit organizations. We offer software and services that can help you with your accounting needs. Please contact us for more information.
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