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August 2023

The Importance of Communicating Impact to Volunteers

By | Nonprofit, Volunteer | No Comments
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Effective communication plays a crucial role in engaging and retaining volunteers for any organization. In this blog post, we will explore the significance of communicating impact to volunteers and how it can foster a sense of purpose, motivation, and satisfaction among those who generously offer their time and skills to support a cause.

Connect Volunteers to the Mission

Communicating the impact of volunteers’ contributions helps them understand the direct connection between their efforts and the organization’s mission. By clearly articulating how their work positively influences the community or the cause they care about, volunteers feel a sense of purpose and fulfillment. Sharing stories, testimonials, and concrete examples of how their involvement has made a difference creates a strong emotional connection, reinforcing their commitment to continued engagement.

Recognize and Appreciate Volunteers

Recognizing and appreciating volunteers for their efforts and the impact they have created is vital. Publicly acknowledging their contributions through newsletters, social media shout-outs, or volunteer recognition events not only shows gratitude but also inspires others to get involved. Recognizing volunteers not only boosts their morale but also serves as a powerful recruitment tool, attracting more individuals who want to make a meaningful impact.

Demonstrate Transparency and Accountability

Communicating impact to volunteers demonstrates an organization’s transparency and accountability. When volunteers see tangible evidence of how their time and energy have been utilized and the positive outcomes that have been achieved, they will likely develop trust and confidence in the organization. Clear and regular updates on the progress, milestones, and challenges faced by the organization create a sense of transparency that fosters a strong volunteer-organization relationship.

Inspire Continued Engagement

Volunteers are more likely to stay engaged and committed when they understand the value of their contributions. By regularly sharing success stories, sharing statistics, and providing updates on ongoing projects, volunteers are inspired to continue their involvement and may even take on more significant roles within the organization. Highlighting the collective impact achieved through volunteer efforts motivates individuals to stay connected, amplifying the positive influence of the organization.

Effective communication of impact is a powerful tool for engaging and retaining volunteers. By connecting volunteers to the organization’s mission, recognizing their contributions, demonstrating transparency, and inspiring continued engagement, organizations can foster a strong volunteer community dedicated to making a difference. Regularly sharing stories, testimonials, and progress updates help volunteers understand the tangible outcomes of their efforts, providing them with a sense of purpose and fulfillment. Ultimately, by effectively communicating impact, organizations can build long-lasting relationships with volunteers and create a positive and transformative impact on their communities.

If you’re seeking guidance on volunteer management and communication strategies, consider consulting with Welter Consulting. Our experts specialize in providing software and services tailored to the unique needs of nonprofit organizations. Contact Welter Consulting at 206-605-3113 for more information.

4 Types of Awarding Strategies Grant Seekers Should Know

By | Grant Management, Nonprofit | No Comments
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Grant seekers are always on the lookout for effective awarding strategies that can enhance their chances of securing funding for their projects. In this blog post, we will explore four key types of awarding strategies that grant seekers should know. By understanding these strategies, you can tailor your grant applications to align with the preferences and priorities of funders, increasing your chances of success.

Be Competitive

One commonly used awarding strategy is the competitive approach. Under this strategy, grant seekers submit applications that are evaluated and compared against one another. Funding is then awarded to the most deserving and promising projects, based on predetermined evaluation criteria. To succeed in this strategy, grant seekers should focus on clearly articulating their project’s unique value, demonstrating its impact, and showcasing their organization’s capacity to effectively implement the proposed initiative.

Establish Formulas

Formula awarding strategies allocate funding based on predetermined formulas, or formulas that take into account specific criteria such as population size, poverty rates, or other relevant factors. This approach provides a more predictable and consistent funding framework. Grant seekers should familiarize themselves with the formula used by the funding agency and ensure their project aligns with the criteria outlined to maximize their chances of receiving funding.


Discretionary awarding strategies grant decision-making authority to the funder or a designated committee. In this approach, grant seekers must focus on building relationships and effectively communicating the value and importance of their project directly to the decision-makers. Understanding the funder’s priorities and tailoring your proposal to align with their goals is crucial in this strategy.


Collaborative awarding strategies involve partnerships between grant seekers and funders to jointly develop and implement projects. In this approach, grant seekers must actively engage with potential funders, establish shared goals, and demonstrate their capacity to collaborate effectively. Building strong relationships and presenting a compelling case for partnership are key to success in this strategy.

As a grant seeker, it is essential to be aware of the different awarding strategies employed by funders. By understanding and aligning your grant applications with these strategies, you can increase your chances of securing funding for your projects. Whether it’s the competitive approach, formula-based funding, discretionary decision-making, or collaborative partnerships, tailoring your proposals to match the funder’s preferences and priorities is key. Remember to thoroughly research each funder’s guidelines and requirements, communicate your project’s value effectively, and build strong relationships with decision-makers. By doing so, you can navigate the grant-seeking process more strategically and increase your chances of securing the resources needed to bring your projects to life.

If you’re looking for further guidance and assistance in the grant-seeking process, consider reaching out to Welter Consulting. Our team of experts specializes in providing software and services tailored to the unique needs of nonprofit organizations. Contact Welter Consulting at 206-605-3113 for more information.